





Mastering Social Media Engagement: Leveraging Chatbots for Better Customer Interaction and Brand Presence

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are increasingly turning to chatbots to enhance their operations and improve customer experiences. Chatbots, powered by used based & artificial intelligence, have evolved from simple communication tools to versatile software applications capable of performing a wide range of tasks. Whether it’s streamlining customer service, boosting sales, or automating HR processes, chatbots have become indispensable …

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Updates for 2023: WhatsApp Business Platform introduces conversation-based pricing

WhatsApp Business Platform has announced significant changes in its pricing model for conversations, which will take effect from 2023. Instead of a fixed fee, businesses will be charged based on the type of conversation they have, with a per-24 hour conversation pricing model. The cost will vary depending on the nature of the conversation, such as whether it relates to a utility question, authentication, or marketing.

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